New Year’s Resolution 2019
/0 Comments/in Uncategorised /by James BarrellMake THIS year THE year to make a CHANGE!
A New Year’s resolution is a tradition, most common in the Western Hemisphere but also found in the Eastern Hemisphere, in which a person resolves to change an undesired trait or behavior, to accomplish a personal goal or otherwise improve their life. Wikipedia
New to cycling?
Everyone is welcome, young or old, experienced or not! No one gets left behind and we all meet for coffee and cake after the ride. We have groups for all abilities so don’t be afraid to come and join us!
15 Benefits of Cycling: Why cycle for exercise?
There are many benefits to cycling, our friends at Cycling Weekly wrote about them here: 15 Benefits of Cycling
Women only rides?
HSBC UK Breeze offers fun, free bike rides for women of all abilities across the UK.
It doesn’t matter if you’re keeping fit, young at heart, wise beyond your years, or even if you don’t know how to change gears. Every woman is welcome on our HSBC UK Breeze rides.
Jersey Breeze Rides commence from Saturday 19th January, more information can be found here: Jersey Breeze Rides.
Experienced cyclist?
This year is going to be a big year for quite a lot of the Jersey Rouleurs… We have a Spanish training camp in late March / early April, two long French training weekends in May, while June sees over 100 of us attending 3 events: Milan-Sanremo, the Bernard Hinault Cyclosportive and the Coast to Coast!
Looking to up your miles this year? Then why not join us on our longer training rides…
So when is all of this happening?
Our club rides are scheduled every Saturday and Sunday (leaving from the Radisson Blu at 09:00) and Wednesday and Friday (leaving from Costa, Liberty Wharf at 09:00). Come Spring we will also be running weekly chain gang rides and pub rides most evenings.
With so much happening this year it makes for the perfect opportunity to get back on your bike, join a cycling club, set yourself a goal or just increase your riding miles!
Cycle Across the Andes for Diabetes Jersey
/0 Comments/in Uncategorised /by James BarrellJersey resident Chris Palmer will be cycling though the Andes from Argentina to Chile in November to raise funds for Diabetes Jersey.
Chris’ son Matthew was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes when he was aged 12. This was a huge event for our family and life changing for Matthew Chris said. The support we received at the time from the local hospital was excellent and the ongoing support from the Jersey Diabetes centre superb. We know from our experience how important it is for those with type 1 and type 2 diabetes and their families to receive help and support at diagnosis and ongoing throughout their lives.
Chris decided to take part in the Cycle Across the Andes event to raise funds for Diabetes Jersey in recognition for the support Matthew has received and to help others with the same condition.
During the past weeks Chris has been training with the Jersey cycle group Jersey Rouleurs. Its been a lot of fun Chris said, I can only hope that I’ve done enough training! I leave Jersey in mid November and fly to San Carlos de Bariloche in Argentina where the ride starts and I should be home by mid December. It should be a great experience and an opportunity to raise funds for a very worthy cause.
Donations can be made on Chris’ JustGiving page which can be found using the following link. All funds raised go to Diabetes Jersey and no-one working for the charity receives salary.
Jersey Rouleurs Welcomes E-Bikes
/0 Comments/in Uncategorised /by James Barrell“IT INSPIRES ME TO GET OUT EVERY WEEKEND”
The Jersey Sport CEO Catriona McAllister, pictured above in a rather garish yellow snood, recently became the first E-biker to join the group on their rides.
“I have really enjoyed the experience of riding regularly with the Rouleurs and myself and my E-bike have been made to feel very welcome,” she said.
“I knew I would struggle to keep up on the hills but really wanted to have the social benefits of riding in a group. It’s too easy to talk yourself out of it when you ride alone but being part of a group that is so supportive and genuinely want to help get more people on bikes is great, it inspires me to get out every weekend.
“Riding an e-bike helps with the hills but you still get all the benefits of being active and they are a fantastic way of getting people to take up cycling or to get people back into it. No matter what level you ride at or type of bike you ride, the Rouleurs has a group for you. For me it has also been a great way to meet new friends having recently moved to the island.”
Cameron’s annual Macmillan coffee morning
/0 Comments/in Uncategorised /by James BarrellSo after today’s slackers and skivers ride the Jersey Rouleurs dropped in to Cameron’s to support them with their annual Macmillan coffee morning.
Much coffee and cake was gladly consumed by all (some more than others), Marc’s non-soggy bottomed Yorkshire apple cake appeared to be a club favourite.
Best of luck to Marc and his team on reaching their target!
Important information about Saturday’s memorial ride for Ginge
/0 Comments/in Uncategorised /by James BarrellGuys, can you please read the following and email Rose if you will be riding.
Thank you thank you thank you for signing up to ride for Ginge. I can’t believe that we have such a good turn out again this year. Currently I have c70 people riding.
The race will start at 09.00am from Gorey Bus Stop, there will be signage at points throughout the ride letting you know which route to take (or hill to avoid), we have lovely volunteers at 2 points on route who will be there with water, fruit and some chocolate. At the end of the race C5 have organised with the Seascale restaurant for some food and drinks to be provided, so hang around and enjoy the pleasantries!!
It has been requested that this year we again support The Stroke Association, instead of setting up a new page I have amended the fundraising page we used last year. Just look at what we raised as a collective – AMAZING!!!!
I would like to say a big thank you to Ian Williams from Jersey Rouleurs who will be bringing a team with him.
I do have 2 little favours to ask you though;
1. For those of you who are part of a cycle team and know that others will be joining us, please could you ask them to just send me a quick email saying they will be there so I know numbers for drinks, food etc
2. Please donate whatever you can to the Just Giving page.
Any questions you may have just let me know, happy to talk through the event. SPREAD THE WORD!!!!
Ride safely and see you Saturday morning.
An important date for your diary, C5 Ginge Memorial Ride
/0 Comments/in Uncategorised /by James BarrellIn 2015 C5 in conjunction with Blanca Palacin rode in memory of our friend Neil “Ginge” Hussey, which was a fantastic, overwhelming tribute and a huge accomplishment enjoyed by all that took part.
JR will once again be supporting this superb annual event so please keep the date free, Saturday July 9th, meeting at Gorey Pier from 08:30 (in Rouleurs kit please) for a 09:00 start.
For more detailed information please download the following document: C5 Charity Cycle 2016
Signtech Open Day
/0 Comments/in Uncategorised /by Ian WilliamsOne of our sponsors is having an ‘Open Afternoon’ from 12 to 6 tomorrow (June 24th). Why not take a wander to Lewis Lane (near Peoples Park) and have a chat with Sean, Max, Les and the crew and learn how they made the Skoda so fantastic. From the design to the application of the graphics, all will be explained. Just remember that it is not polite to drink ALL the wine. !
The Bernard Hinault Weekend.
/0 Comments/in Uncategorised /by Ian Williams‘Don’t worry, I’ve filled it with oil so the light shouldn’t come on again’ he said as I picked up the transporter on Tuesday evening. This was the start of the Bernard Hinault weekend. Bikes & kit bags started arriving during Wednesday and the excitement was tangible as rider after rider left a bike or a bag in my living room. Thursday was a day for assembling spares and tools, filling cars & the van with diesel (these Frenchies have been on strike again and there is supposedly a fuel shortage), cleaning and preparing my own bike and making sure I had my passport and a few euros in my bag. The wagon was packed, we managed to get seven bikes in there, and a relatively early night as I was sending Tracy to pick up Tutu at some unearthly hour on Friday morning.
Friday morning and another two bikes on the back of the wagon and seven on the roof of the recently graphic’d skoda. Signtech did a fantastic job both with the design and execution of the stickering, that car really turns heads. We are heading to the port. Collecting Malcolm & the monkey en-route, we arrive as scheduled at 07:30. Unfortunately some of the guys hadn’t read the e-mail and were there just after seven, however, not being the last they avoided the expense of getting the first round of coffee (David). The Condor check in staff did a great job as 19 of us across six different booking references scattered over four cars all managed to get on board without any fuss. Next stop France.
Flat seas, a quick exit and our ‘Convoy’ was in a soggy St Brieuc by lunchtime. Almost checking-in with Patrice & Celine at the Ibis, we wandered to the local Boulangerie in search of lunch. The french may not know how to transport diesel across their country, but they know how to make bread and some seriously fancy looking cakes. Now fed, we head back to ‘check in’ before a quick trip to the Race HQ to sign on. The afternoon ride out was scheduled for an hour but had to be cut short due to a mechanical issue with a pedal (next time I offer Lindsay…), this lead to a rapid turn around at the hotel and we made our way to Stella Marais for a fantastic evening of Italian cuisine and fine wine. The talk was all about the last hill. We had attempted to ride to the top of it during the afternoon but for some reason had missed it in both the outbound and inbound legs. How steep was it? What does it compare to? How many minutes to climb it? After dinner we had a ‘Team Talk’ at the hotel before some of the guys went in search of a bar with the ‘Euro’ football being shown.
Race day. Breakfast at 06:00 for the last bit of carb loading. Nervous anticipation filled the breakfast room. We leave at 08:00 and we are in the start pen at 08:20. Three Rouleurs are on the front row with the other Jersey riders from CASP. Further back a couple of ‘our’ riders from EFR loiter with the massed ranks of the ‘fragrant’ frenchies, further back again the blue and pink of Team Rouleur is clear to see. Cinq, Quatre, Trois, Deux, Une, and the flag drops. We are away, the pace is immediately high as we struggle to keep the front position. The first few kilometers rattle by as we avoid street furniture and climb small hills to get out of St Brieuc. Over the timing mat and it is ‘Race on’, but we are already at race pace.!! Communication is easy as our kit is very easy to spot in a pack. ‘Remember to eat’, my own advice from the team talk last night comes back into my head as I look at the clock on my computer and realise that we are already 20 minutes in. 40 minutes later and the front group hits a hill that proves to be the decider, for us at least. James & I are caught the wrong side of some tiring Frenchies as the leaders (only 20 or so riders ahead) kick over the brow and make their escape. Try as we might, there is no way we are going to get back to them. The group we are with are very happy to leave the three Jersey Rouleurs do all the work at the head of the group and so, with some significant help from a CASP team member we worked hard for the remaining 80km. The last hill, when it came, was not as bad as I remembered it from last year however it wasn’t surfaced properly and riding uphill on gravel isn’t too much fun, but it is the same for everyone I suppose. Home in 3hrs 25. We were 15 mins behind the winner (a short Jersey bloke called Crispin), about 5 ahead of Pepijn, 10 to Craig & Carsten and then they all started to rattle home. Everyone was accounted for and the next call was the race lunch. Garlic Ham with garlic pate with garlic rice, (mmmmm I must remember to brush my teeth before I leave the hotel tonight) and then we are asked to have our photo taken with The Badger himself, Bernard Hinault. We must have smelt something rotten as 22 sweaty riders who have just eaten a load of Garlic crowded around the five times TDF winner. Marc Gomez (another local famous french rider) also got in on the act and he too had a photo with us. The photo opportunity of the day came as the awards & prizes were being given out as Crispin had already left to go to the ferry so we sent Geoff to the stage to collect his prize in his absence. Check out the gallery. Kamila was sent up to pick up Kimberly’s prizes as she too had ‘done one’ to get the Saturday evening ferry. Festivities over, we have two hours before we leave for dinner.
Restaurant take over. A small Bretange restaurant crammed 21 of us into half of its space so we could all eat together. Le Chaudron did the most amazing job to produce the fresh food it did. It was easier to say ‘who doesn’t want Steak’ rather than ‘what do you want?’ The wine flowed, the food was fantastic and the air was filled with chatter about the day’s exploits. David had collided with the ground and Kamila had lost her saddlebag, both very early on, the hill wasn’t so bad after all, who said the feed station was at 60km? Malc had smile on his face when three balls of ice-cream arrived with him before anyone else had even seen their desert (monkey situation averted). The bill settled and en-route to the hotel we met with more Jersey riders. Liam had obviously had a good evening and now dragged a few with him to finish the evening in the football bar. Good night.
Sunday. Some of the guys decide to go ‘chasing Bougie’ as they make their own way to Dinan for lunch. We pump up the tyre on the wagon (we noticed yesterday that it was a bit flat and discovered a screw embedded in it) and head steadily along the motorway to the agreed meeting point. Dinan, a beautiful medieval town in france, for a lunchtime crepe and a coffee before the trip back to St Malo. Only Martin decides to continue to ride all the way back, and he had raced 195km the day before (he is hardcore). Back to the ferry and back to Jersey to tell wives and loved ones of the exploits and adventures of the ‘Rouleurs on Tour’.
A quick thank you to everyone who came on this trip and made it the occasion it was. Thanks to the Drivers, Des, Mark, Kate, Pete, thanks to Patrice & Celine at the ibis, the staff at Stella Marais & Le Chaudron. This was a blast. Lets do it again next year.
37 Queen Street
St Helier
Tel: 01534 280222
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Covid-1919th March 2020 - 17:09
New Year’s Resolution 20194th January 2019 - 17:35
Cycle Across the Andes for Diabetes Jersey30th October 2018 - 15:12
Jersey Rouleurs Welcomes E-Bikes12th February 2018 - 12:38
Cycling in Jersey with Fleetway Travel25th September 2017 - 11:58
Cameron’s annual Macmillan coffee morning30th September 2016 - 13:00
Useful Information